Friday, June 22, 2018

Summer 2017 was a Time of the Cat

Marshmallow's kittens!

Poor dear Marshmallow. Fed and looked after her like crazy!

Cat Noir, with her one white whisker. Now called Shadow at her home



Sweet Athena looks like a baby dragon all curled up

Mint paw looking wicked

Minty looking innocent 

Dog and boy

too cute

Friday, June 15, 2018

Let me explain. No. Is too much; let me sum up.

Life keeps moving forward, and this blog has not been keeping up!
Stumbling blocks: 1) something about how I organize pictures changed, and I do not enjoy playing around and figuring out technology, so I have done nothing. 2) my techy daughter has been very busy in school, and in the golden age of this blog she was a 6th grade home schooler and encouraged me to blog, and helped me with stumbling blocks.
But! Hermione and I were discussing how she might start blogging, and I decided I will too. The year has been amazingly full and rich, with more fullness and richness to come, and I think
I will regret it if I don’t put some memories and thoughts here.
So. By category, we will have: Farm, Pets, Music, Home and baby, Holidays and food.