I also love sharing ideas through social media. I find that to be my preferred use of facebook, for example. I find so many interesting articles and discover worthwhile blogs, as well as some uplifting and, yes, funny things, by reading what my friends post. I love, love, love being around people who make me learn. I also love sharing information that has made me think, or has uplifted me or, more rarely worried me or made me mad. I also love being able to share photos of family, events and projects.
I like the feedback and dialogue I can get through this, while never having to pick up a phone or commit to a social engagement! Yes, I am an introvert for sure. Well, it seems to me that all these things would work so much better through a blog. And it would be more archival; that is, I could search back and find again the things I post. The 'darndest things' the kids say, and the dates, for example.
So, this will be a 'mommy blog', for sure. Not really a 'pretty blog', though I hope to share pretty things often. Not really a craft blog, though I hope to share many creations, hacks, and before and after pics. I think I'll include roundups of great stuff I've read on the web as well. I want to keep this blog for me, and I also hope it includes lots of things that will interest others and prompt dialogue.
I realize it's folly to complete my first post without a photo! For now, I introduce myself. Hi. I'm Claire

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