My newly refinished pickled oak cabinets! (Auntie Leila, I was inspired by your fireplace whitewashing results. Want to see more pics here?) I am very happy with the results, a fresh, bright, pretty finish *and* the real, natural oak grain shining through.
What's happier than this? Daddy with his little boy, and a glass of Guinness; little Bilbo in Daddy's arm, smiling at Mommy.
While I was trying to get something done in the kitchen, I had an inspiration. Little Bilbo is there in his exersaucer, (see his foot?) and Leia had these wooden beads and needed something to do. I grabbed some bamboo skewers, punched them into the bottom of this box (beer again), and told her she could use it for her beads. She had a wonderful time for quite a while. Which goes to show, once again, why we don't need shiny plastic toys that do only one thing. Natural materials, cardboard, and ingenuity tend to satisfy more.
When you're doing any home improvements, things get a lot worse before they get better, right? Here is a pile of kitchen stuff all displaced during the counter and cabinet project. And yet, look at these great colors!
Love the skewers in the box! Why are boxes always the best toy?